Youth Advisory Council Seeks Members for 2022-2023!
Do you know someone between the ages of 12 and 21 who is interested in getting involved in philanthropy, leadership, and service?
Encourage them to join YAC!
What does YAC do?
Philanthropy - It’s more than just giving money! YAC teaches students the importance of giving time and talent.
Service - Members take an active role in serving the community through sponsoring charitable events and volunteering.
Leadership - Students learn how to conduct meetings and make decisions as a group, ensuring every voice is heard.
Grantmaking - YAC awards grants to non-profit organizations and schools for youth-related programs in Houghton and Keweenaw Counties. YAC members review applications and vote as a group to make funding recommendations to the KCF Board.
Why Join?
Middle and High schoolers: meet new friends, learn what philanthropy means, gain leadership skills, and be involved in projects that benefit youth in your community.
College students: mentor younger members, learn grant-making from the inside and gain leadership skills.
How to get involved
Sign up online by September 27, 2022.
Those between the ages of 12-21 who reside in Houghton and Keweenaw Counties are welcome to join!
Meetings begin in October 2022. After the introduction sessions, YAC will meet monthly during the school year.
Where: YAC will meet at the Community Alliance for Progress Education (CAPE) office located at 417 Hirvonen Hall, Hancock, MI 49930.
When: After school, typically from 4:15-5:30 pm, but may be adjusted as needed
Wednesday, October 12 - "Getting to know you" session
Wednesday, October 19 - What is Philanthropy?
Wednesday, October 26 - Trial Grantmaking session
Wednesday, November 2 - Grantmaking Meeting
Wednesday, December 7 - Service and Leadership Meeting
January - May 2023 - meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of the month, after school hours.
What: Fun activities, leadership training, education about philanthropy and grantmaking, service projects, and snacks!
Transportation: Students must have their own transportation to and from meetings, but please let us know if there are issues and we will try to help.
YAC Advisors are present at and responsible for organizing all YAC-sponsored events and meetings.
During the 30-year lifespan of the fund, YAC members have awarded nearly $300,000 in grants to local organizations. Give back to the community - join YAC!