Ahmeek Ice Rink Fundraiser Achieves Fundraising Goal

The Keweenaw Community Foundation is delighted to announce that its Special Community Project, “Outdoor Recreation for All - Build the Boards Project,” has successfully reached its fundraising goal of $100,000 to restore the Ahmeek Ice Rink. The campaign garnered support from 110 donations, including community members, hockey enthusiasts, local businesses, nonprofits, and four local charitable foundations.

“We appreciate the many community members, local businesses, and granting organizations contributing to our fundraising campaign. Additionally, many people helped behind the scenes to coordinate this project and make it a reality. This type of collective effort makes our area so special, and we’re very excited to make these improvements at the rink,” stated Joni Erkkila, Ahmeek Ice Rink fundraiser volunteer.

The community was invited to a special event at the Ahmeek Ice Rink on Wednesday, May 22nd, to celebrate this achievement. During this event, the Keweenaw Community Foundation presented the grant check to the project team.

“I would like to thank the many generous people and businesses that donated to this important community project. These new boards will ensure that the next several generations will be able to enjoy the Ahmeek Ice Rink just as we and our children do,” stated John Cima, Ahmeek Ice Rink fundraiser volunteer.

Build the Boards Project

The Emil Aho Memorial Ice Rink, commonly known as the Ahmeek Ice Rink, has been a cherished community facility since its establishment in 1984. Maintained year-round by dedicated volunteers and supported through donations and township assistance, the rink’s current boards, updated in 2019, have deteriorated due to harsh weather and are now unsafe for skaters.

Recognizing the need for safe and sustainable recreational facilities, a group of volunteers and the Keweenaw Community Foundation launched the “Outdoor Recreation for All - Build the Boards Project” in the fall of 2023, setting a fundraising goal of $100,000. The successful completion of this fundraiser means that the necessary materials can now be purchased, and renovations will start this June and will be ready in time for the 2024 winter skating season. 

“It was amazing to see how generous and supportive our community has been towards this project. We are excited to have partnered with the community to meet this fundraising goal and be able to replace the rink boards to allow this important community asset to be saved,” stated Robin Meneguzzo, KCF Executive Director.

Honoring Our Donors

Donors will be acknowledged with an engraved plaque at the Ahmeek Ice Rink facility and on the Keweenaw Community Foundation website. The complete list of donors can be found here. Sponsorship levels include: 

  • Nickel under $199

  • Bronze $200-499

  • Silver $500-999

  • Gold $1000-4999

  • Copper $5000+

Although the Foundation no longer accepts donations for this project, contributions to support the Ahmeek Ice Rink can be directed to Allouez Township. For more information about the Ahmeek Ice Rink project and a list of donors, please visit the Ahmeek Ice Rink project webpage.

About the Ahmeek Ice Rink

Located on School Street in Ahmeek, MI, the Ahmeek Ice Rink offers a welcoming space for skaters during the winter, with facilities open daily for warming up, skate tying, restrooms, and refreshments from the concession stand. During peak season, the facility is open for more than 60 hours per week for ice skating and 30 hours per week for public hockey.

In the off-season months, the rink is a versatile outdoor space for various activities such as rollerblading, road hockey, and other community events. Future plans include adding more recreational options like pickleball.

About the Keweenaw Community Foundation

The Keweenaw Community Foundation proudly serves as a permanent charitable resource in Houghton and Keweenaw Counties. Established in 1994, the Foundation collaborates with other organizations on a variety of community-wide initiatives such as accessibility, housing, and childcare; provides grants to local non-profit organizations, schools, and municipalities; awards scholarships to local students; and assists donors with their philanthropic goals to provide support for the community they love. If you have any questions regarding the Foundation, please contact us at mail@keweenawgives.org or 906-482-9673.

Vienna Leonarduzzi