keweenaw Support 4 Healthy Minds
mental health matters
The primary purpose of this unendowed fund is to support the Keweenaw Support 4 Healthy Minds group as they provide programs and services to advance their mental health focused mission.
Keweenaw Support 4 Healthy Minds is a local group dedicated to talking more openly about mental health, building a resilient community, and supporting those at risk.
Mission and Values
Talk More Openly About Mental Health
Increase awareness about mental health, educate groups on how to list/talk about mental health, reduce stigma and shame, and empower people with lived experience.
Build a Resilient Community
Increase awareness of what leads to crises, educate community about healthy coping with stress, decrease access to means for harm as a part of basic home safety.
Support Those at Risk
Educate community about how to manage a crisis, build a support network including advocates who know the system(s), and improve communication about resources.
Shine the Light 4 Healthy Minds 5K Run/Walk Fair
In June 2024, the Keweenaw Community Foundation, in collaboration with Keweenaw Support 4 Healthy Minds and the Keweenaw County Sheriff Department, hosted the Shine the Light 4 Healthy Minds 5K run/walk fair, a fundraiser, at Eagle Harbor Township Park in Eagle Harbor, MI. The fair began with a 5K trail run/walk and a kids' dash, followed by the Keweenaw County Sheriff’s free public safety event. This fundraiser supports KS4HM. Check out the Facebook event for more information.
We thank our local business sponsors who made this fair possible. Check out our sponsors below!
Mohawk Technologies
Copper Shores Community Health Foundation
Diamond House International
Impaled Tattoo and Piercing
Calumet Electronics
Frozen Farms Co.
Phoenix General Store
Wildkat Builders
A-1 Toilets
Ace Hardware Calumet
Amora Wellness and Gifts
Diamond House International
Fitzgerald's Restaurant
Hancock Bottling
The Hut Restaurant
Keweenaw Coffee Works
Keweenaw Adventure Company
Louie’s Fresh Market
Mariner North Restaurant
Pat’s Foods IGA
Sundae in the Park
Wood'n Spoon
Interested or have questions?
KS4HM meets monthly at the Portage Lake District Library.
Contact: Michelle Morgan -
Like the group on Facebook!
By supporting the Keweenaw Support 4 Healthy Minds Fund you help to directly support projects and programs that benefit mental health and well-being in our community.
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