Keweenaw Cross Country Skiing
There is No Bench in Cross Country
The primary purpose of this field-of-interest fund is to promote, develop, and sustain quality cross-country skiing in Houghton and Keweenaw Counties.
Please see the Field of Interest Grants page for more information or sign up for our mailing list to find out about the next call for proposals.
The Keweenaw Cross Country Skiing periodically awards grants to help support the goals of the fund. This fund will be granted according to the guidelines established by KCF and the Keweenaw Cross Country Skiing Advisory Committee. Grants must support cross country skiing projects and programs throughout Keweenaw and Houghton counties. Grants will be made to organizations or for programs previously demonstrating successful outcomes; new, innovative organizations; or programs with clear potential for positive outcomes. To see the latest call for proposals and when this fund awards grants, please visit the Field of Interest Grants page.
Previously Awarded Grants
The 2022 grant recipient was:
• Eagle Harbor Township, Recreation Area Signage Project - $2,200.00
The 2021 grant recipients were:
• Copper Island Academy, Nordic Ski Upgrade - $1,635.49
• Eagle Harbor Township, Trail Maintenance Equipment - $500
Due to unfortunate market circumstances in 2020, no granting occured.
The 2019 grant recipients were:
• Keweenaw Nordic Ski Club, 2020 Barnelopet - $300
• Swedetown Trails Club, Improve Powderhouse and Len's Loops - $1,000
• Eagle Harbor Township, Trail Maintenance Equipment - $1,000
• Copper Country Ski Tigers, Youth Rental Ski Equipment - $310
The 2018 grant recipients were:
• Keweenaw Nordic Ski Club to assist in trail improvement
• Swedetown Trails Club to assist with the purchasing of a new trail utility snowmobile.
The 2017 grant recipients were:
• Swedetown Trails Club to assist with the purchasing of a new trail grooming snowmobile.
• Copper Country Ski Tigers to help buy ski equipment to loan to their youth, development, and competition teams.
• Keweenaw Nordic Ski Club to assist their project to buy a brush saw and safety helmets.
The 2016 grant recipients were:
• Copper Country Ski Tigers for new race suits for the Competition Team.
• Keweenaw Nordic Ski Club to assist with the purchasing of a trail grooming snowmobile.
• Swedetown Trails Club to help with replacing major equipment needed to sustain and improve winter grooming.
The Keweenaw Cross Country Skiing fund exists with your support. Keep those tracks fresh in the snow stretching wide and far through our wonderful landscape.
On the page below, please indicate your donation to the Keweenaw Cross Country Skiing fund. Include any additional notes, add the donation to your cart, and check out when you are finished making donation selections.