Herman Gundlach Fund
In Memory of Herman “Winks” Gundlach
“He was probably the most patient, understanding, and honest person I have ever known.”
– Paul Frair, former Vice President and lifelong friend
Even with his passing, Winks wanted people to know he’s still here for them. Based on these recent thank you letters to the Herman Gundlach Fund, it’s safe to say his generous spirit remains with us still.
From captain of the Houghton High School and Harvard University football teams to a captain of industry, Herman “Winks” Gundlach Jr. was a man of many passions. From 1946 until he retired in 1988, his Gundlach Construction company built many of the major structures in the Upper Peninsula. A humble man, Winks gave credit for many of his accomplishments to others. He revered the tradesmen of the area, and Winks stayed up late looking over his payroll, knowing that these names didn’t just represent employees, but local families.
Besides being a successful businessman, he was a prominent activist. Upon his death at age 91 in 2005, instructions were laid out about how to continue his legacy of giving back to the community he grew up in and worked in.
Through the Herman Gundlach Fund, Winks continues to leave his mark on the community For Good. For Ever.
As he said at a Houghton High School Commencement, he believed in “the collective efforts of all of us” to resolve conflicts, “to live and act with a social conscience, according to a rigorous affirmation of the rights of all to an improved quality of life.” He concluded, “Go for it. Go for that.”
“I always was amazed at the way he gives credit to other people for the success of his company.”
For the 2022 fiscal year, the Herman Gundlach Fund has awarded almost $50,000 to local organizations or initiatives to fund projects addressing community needs. The individual grants ranged from $200 to $2,500.
The recipients were:
KRACK: Keweenaw Random Acts of Kindness
Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly
Omega House
Pine Mountain Music Festival
Salvation Army Kids Food Program
SKY: Simple Kindness for Youth
St. Peter & Paul Church, Houghton
St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank
Swedetown Trails
Trinity Episcopal Church Food Bank
Keweenaw Unitarian Universalist Church
UP Kids: Big Brothers, Big Sisters
Western UP Food Bank
31 Backpacks
Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter
Bay Cliff Camp
Calumet Theater
CLK Council of Churches Food Bank
Copper Country Arts Center
Copper Country Humane Society
Copper Country Senior Meals
Copper Country Suzuki Association
Dial Help
Girl Scouts
Habitat for Humanity
Keweenaw Family Resource Center
Keweenaw Outdoor Recreation Coalition
By supporting the Herman “Winks” Gundlach Fund you help with a variety of initiatives and needs in your community.
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