Bring Back Calumet Initiative
The Bring Back Calumet Initiative is a nationally recognized partnership of organizations dedicated to revitalizing downtown Calumet.
About the Bring Back Calumet initiative
The Bring Back Calumet Initiative is a community-led effort dedicated to stabilizing, preserving, and redeveloping historic structures in downtown Calumet. The initiative protects Calumet’s National Historic Landmark District designation by restoring key landmarks, strengthening the local economy, and fostering community growth. Donate to the Bring Back Calumet project fund.
Volunteers cleaning out the Ruppe Building.
Over the past eight years, the initiative has:
Secured $9 million in historic preservation funding
Stabilized 12 historic buildings in downtown Calumet
Supported 17 new or expanding businesses
Received statewide and national recognition, including the Michigan Governor’s Award for Historic Preservation (2023) and the Vernacular Architecture Forum’s Advocacy Award (2024)
The Bring Back Calumet Initiative is a coalition of local and regional organizations working together to advance preservation and economic revitalization. Its members include:
Keweenaw Community Foundation
Village of Calumet and Downtown Development Authority (DDA)
Keweenaw Economic Development Alliance (KEDA)
Houghton County Land Bank Authority (HCLBA)
Keweenaw National Historical Park and Advisory Commission
Main Street Calumet, Inc.
About the Save the Ruppe Block Project

The Save the Ruppe Block project is a cornerstone effort of the Bring Back Calumet Initiative, focused on preserving and redeveloping one of Calumet’s most significant historic buildings. The Ruppe Block, located at 211-213 5th Street in downtown Calumet, is a three-story, 15,000-square-foot structure built in the 1870s that stands as a symbol of Calumet’s industrial past and architectural craftsmanship. Situated in the Calumet Historic Landmark District, this building played a vital role in the town’s copper boom era and remains an essential part of the Keweenaw National Historical Park. An estimated $700,000 is needed to save this building.
The Damage
The rear of the building has suffered extensive damage from years of water infiltration due to a failing roof. Key issues include:
Structural failures in at least 11 beams supporting the second and third floors.
A collapsed mezzanine floor in the rear.
Significant water damage affecting over one-third of the structure.
The current owner has invested over $125,000 in interim stabilization but can no longer continue repairs. To ensure its preservation and future redevelopment, the owner has agreed to transfer the property to the Village of Calumet Downtown Development Authority (DDA).
Why Save the Ruppe Block?
Volunteers cleaning out the Ruppe Building.
The Ruppe Block is a key part of the Keweenaw National Historical Park, showcasing craftsmanship and America’s industrial heritage. Despite its condition, the arched terracotta facade and ornate metal cornice remain in excellent shape and are worth preserving.
Immediate action is needed to prevent collapse, which could harm people and nearby properties. Instead of spending heavily on demolition and losing an irreplaceable historic asset, we can revitalize the building to create 8 housing units, 2,500 sq. ft. of commercial space, and on-site parking—transforming a liability into a community asset.
The Ruppe Block is a powerful symbol of Calumet’s rich heritage and its designation as a National Historic Landmark District. It highlights the town’s critical role in America’s industrial growth as a hub of the copper industry.
The Restoration Plan

To preserve the Ruppe Block, the project will proceed in carefully planned phases:
Phase I – Emergency Stabilization Winter 2024 | $200,000
Volunteer-supported cleanout of the building (completed by members of the Michigan Tech University Army ROTC program)
Installation of temporary stabilization supports to prevent further collapse — Initial stabilization and cleanout is underway
Placement of a protective layer over the roof to mitigate further water damage
Phase II – Structural Restoration | $500,000
Construction of a permanent back wall (masonry in the basement, framed walls on upper floors)
Demolition and backfill of the damaged rear section to create parking space
Roof replacement on the front half of the structure to ensure long-term stability
Phase III – Redevelopment (Funding Need TBD)
Attracting a developer to complete the transformation
Creation of eight housing units and at least two commercial spaces
How You Can Help
The Save the Ruppe Block project relies on community support. Every contribution brings this historic building one step closer to stabilization and redevelopment.
Donate today to the Bring Back Calumet Initiative Fund through the Keweenaw Community Foundation. Linked below.
Spread the word about this critical preservation effort.
Get involved with local restoration and volunteer opportunities.
Donor Recognition Program—Supporting the Revitalization of the Historic Ruppe Building
Recognition in press materials.
Exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the Ruppe Building with project leaders.
Featured donor spotlight on social media and the project webpage, plus name listing in printed materials.
Framed certificate of appreciation.
Inclusion in periodic project updates via e-newsletter.
Framed certificate of appreciation.
Name listed as a donor on the project webpage, in printed materials, and in social media acknowledgments.
Inclusion in periodic project updates via e-newsletter.
Name listed on the project webpage, in printed materials, and in social media acknowledgments.
Personalized thank-you letter from project leaders.
Inclusion in periodic project updates via e-newsletter.
Recognition on the project webpage.
Name included in a community donor acknowledgement post on social media.
Inclusion in periodic project updates via e-newsletter.
Name included in a community donor acknowledgment post on social media.
Inclusion in periodic project updates via e-newsletter.
FAQs Understanding the Ruppe Building Preservation Effort
The Ruppe Building is a cornerstone of Calumet's National Historic Landmark District, reflecting the town's role in America’s industrial growth during the copper boom. Its iconic architecture, including an arched terracotta façade and ornate metal cornice, exemplifies Calumet’s rich history and craftsmanship. Built in the 1870s and expanded in the 1890s, it is a beautiful structure in the downtown landscape.
Years of water infiltration have caused significant damage to the building’s rear, including a collapsed mezzanine floor, failed beams, and severe water damage affecting over one-third of the structure's back. Despite this, the front portion remains relatively dry and stable, and the terracotta facade is in good condition.
The project will proceed in phases as funding allows. Each phase is further broken down into smaller tasks that will be completed as each funding goal is reached. Cleanout work has already been completed to make construction work easier and safer. As of 1/8/25, $25,600 has been committed.
Phase I: Stabilization
Phase I A. Immediate shoring - $50k
Phase I B. Complete shoring - $54k
Phase I C. Patching & covering roof - $96k
Cost: $200,000
Phase II: Restoration
Framed and block walls - $125,000
Demolition & fill - $225,000
New roof & overhang - $75,000
Misc. (stairs, repairs, etc.) - $40,000
Contingency - $93,000
A&E/Admin - $46,500
Total - $604,500
The Bring Back Calumet Initiative is leading the effort with support from the Keweenaw Community Foundation. The Initiative task force is comprised of representatives from the Village of Calumet Downtown Development Authority (DDA), the Village of Calumet, Keweenaw Economic Development Alliance (KEDA), Main Street Calumet Inc., the Keweenaw National Historical Park (KNHP), Calumet Township, Houghton County Land Bank Authority (HCLBA), and the Keweenaw National Historical Park Advisory Commission (KNHPAC).
Demolition would destroy a piece of Calumet’s historic fabric, leaving a void in the downtown district. Stabilizing and redeveloping the Ruppe Building aligns with the community’s broader preservation and economic growth goals. Additionally, demolition is costly—estimates indicate that demolition could approach or even exceed the cost of stabilization. Once demolished, rebuilding with comparable materials would also be prohibitively expensive, eliminating the opportunity to reuse this historic structure.
The current owner has already invested over $125,000 in stabilization efforts but no longer can undertake the extensive repairs needed. Recognizing the building’s significance, the owner has agreed to transfer it to a public entity to ensure its preservation and future redevelopment. The owner’s cooperation reflects a commitment to the building’s legacy despite personal financial constraints.
The Village has taken significant steps to address blight and prevent similar situations in the future. This includes hiring a blight enforcement officer, updating ordinances to strengthen enforcement mechanisms, and working with property owners to encourage timely maintenance. The Bring Back Calumet Taskforce also proactively identifies at-risk properties and collaborates with partners to stabilize and redevelop them before they reach critical condition. These measures are part of a broader strategy to preserve the historic fabric of Calumet while fostering economic growth.
The consequences could be severe if the Ruppe Building collapses before stabilization efforts are completed. A collapse would pose significant safety risks to nearby properties and pedestrians. It would also result in permanently losing an irreplaceable historic structure, undermining the integrity of the downtown historic district. The cost of clearing the debris and addressing collateral damage would likely surpass the price of the initial stabilization and will be the property owner's responsibility.
Once stabilized, the building will be available for redevelopment. Ideally transitioning into mixed-use space, offering up to eight residential units and 2,500 square feet of commercial space. This aligns with Calumet’s vision for revitalizing downtown and supporting community growth.
The current owner of the Ruppe Building has made significant efforts to stabilize the property, investing $125,000 to slow the building's deterioration. However, the owner is no longer able to continue the rehabilitation process. As a result, the Village of Calumet Downtown Development Authority (DDA) has entered into an agreement with the property owner to take ownership of the building. The DDA will not take ownership of the property until the building is adequately stabilized, reducing potential liability to the DDA. This careful approach ensures that the structure will be in a safer, more manageable condition before the DDA officially assumes ownership.
Residents can contribute by donating to the stabilization fund, volunteering for cleanout efforts, or spreading awareness about the project.
The Bring Back Calumet Initiative is a multi-agency task force focused on the redevelopment of properties in Calumet, Michigan. Members include the Village of Calumet, Village of Calumet DDA, Houghton County Land Bank Authority, Keweenaw Economic Development Alliance, Main Street Calumet, Inc., Calumet Township, Keweenaw National Historical Park, and the Keweenaw National Historial Park Advisory Commission. The task force has successfully driven over $9 million in historic preservation efforts in the past eight years, stabilizing 12 buildings and fostering a resurgence in downtown Calumet. The group has also received accolades, such as the Michigan Governor’s Award for Historic Preservation in 2023 and the Vernacular Architecture Forum’s (VAF) Advocacy Award in 2024.
On the page below, please indicate your donation to the Bring Back Calumet Initiative Fund. Include any additional notes, add the donation to your cart, and check out when you are finished making donation selections.
If you prefer to send a check, please indicate “Bring Back Calumet Fund” on the memo line and send checks to:
Keweenaw Community Foundation, PO BOX 265 Hancock, MI 49930